1. Make a Plan
2. Target goals
3. create Success

Life is like Chess
The more you play the better you get and the greater your chances of winning. Like life, experience and education play an important role. But so does your attitude and mindset. Do you have a plan and do you follow through? Do you calculate the risks or do you just wing it? Are you flexible, adaptable, committed and focused? And are you playing defense or offense?
Every move you make takes knowledge, resources and experience. You must visualize the outcome and remain calm in facing difficult decisions. Overall it takes Wisdom, strong relationships and a mentor.
Whether you’re starting a new business, have a business that needs help or just need personal counseling to achieve greater happiness and success getting outside counsel for guidance and support is crucial. Most of us think we can go it alone, but as the proverb goes, “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” Only an outsider can see what you may be missing to help you find those solutions to secure the success and happiness you deserve.
Even a chess master has a Mentor
The easiest and fastest way to achieve want you want is to have a relationship with someone who can listen, find solutions and help you implement a successful strategy.
Are you ready to get to the next level and have less stress getting there? Click on the box.
Do You know where you want to go and how to get there?
There are endless paths and choices, but which one is the right one for you, right now?
Who will help you NAVIGATE through the forest?
Some paths I chose didn’t always work out, but those choices taught me some valuable lessons about myself and my actions and what it takes to be successful in business and life. There were moments when I felt powerless, times when a relationship fell apart, and the disconnection with a family member, or a business partner. While it felt like it was the end of the road, it wasn’t. The worst was when in 1 year I lost my home, my business, my wealth, my wife and almost lost my life to a heart attack. However, as they say when one door closes, or multiple doors in this case, another door opens.
I know how devastating moments can be and what it takes to get up and make a comeback.
As a Renaissance man I have owned companies, been in executive management, studied everything from science to spirituality and religions to psychology and marketing. I’ve lived in cities from New York to California and visited many parts of the world.
I‘ve experienced life at its best and at its worst. Through all of this I’ve gained tremendous experience and wisdom. It is these moments, my education, my decades of experience and having guides who showed me how to recover, how to be the “Phoenix” rising out of the ashes that I can share with you so you will find success, peace and happiness.
It starts with a DREAM, then a PLAN, then it's LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!
Where are you? Dreaming? Planning? or Taking Action?
Time is not on your side, your days and your life are passing whether you are moving forward or standing still. And INDECISION is giving your power to someone else.
your life is meant to be harmonious and whealthy.
Yes, I mean WHealthy. A combination of Wealth and Health. Just like a philharmonic orchestra with its multitude of instruments learns to play in harmony and create incredible, beautiful sounds for the audience it takes skill and leadership to learn how to create harmony in your life; with your relationships, your finances, and your health.
“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is… a form of insanity!”
Now it’s up to you to tap on the button!